Commission Chambers, Building A
1001 East Ninth Street
Reno, NV
or via zoom at
Phone: 1-669-900-6833 - Meeting ID: 876 8439 1047
(please be sure to keep your devices on mute and do not place the meeting on hold)
Public Comment. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on an agenda as an action item. All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Requests for public comment via zoom must be submitted by email to before the scheduled meeting. Please log into the ZOOM meeting via the above link. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting. NOTE: The zoom option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities.
The Board members:
Oscar Delgado, Chair
Robert Lucey, Vice Chair
Michael D. Brown
Kristopher Dahir
Dr. Reka Danko
Dr. John Novak
Dr. John Klacking
On behalf of the “Republican Women of Reno” – Communication Brigade
Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting Notice and Agenda
Oscar Delgado, Chair Robert Lucey, Vice Chair Michael D. Brown Kristopher Dahir
Dr. Reka Danko
Dr. John Novak
Dr. John Klacking
Thursday, December 16, 2021 1:00 p.m.
Commission Chambers, Building A 1001 East Ninth Street Reno, NV or via zoom at
Phone: 1-669-900-6833 - Meeting ID: 876 8439 1047
(please be sure to keep your devices on mute and do not place the meeting on hold)
1:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Approval of Agenda. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
December 16, 2021
4. Recognitions.
A. Years of Service
i. Kathy Sobrio, 25 years, hired December 9, 1996 - CCHS
ii. Cory Sobrio, 25 years, hired November 25, 1996 - CCHS
iii. Christina Sheppard, 5 years, hired November 28, 2016 - CCHS
iv. Samantha Beebe, 5 years, hired November 28, 2016 – CCHS
v. Blair Hedrick, 5 years, hired December 19, 2016 – EPHP
B. NewHires
i. Karley Crane, October 25, 2021, Office Support Specialist – CCHS (promoted from Recorders Office)
ii. James Smith, November 22, 2021, Office Support Specialist – CCHS (promoted from Senior Services)
iii. Yeraldin Deavila, November 22, 2021, Media & Communication Specialist – ODHO
iv. Rachel Ladd, December 6, 2021, Medical Billing Specialist - CCHS
C. Promotions
i. Alexandra Velasco, Public Health Nurse I to Public Health Nurse II, effective October 14, 2021 – CCHS
1001 East Ninth Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512
Telephone: 775.328.2416 – Fax: 775.328.3752
D. Retirements
i. Denise Cona, Office Support Specialist, effective November 2, 2021 – EHS
ii. Cory Sobrio, Public Health Nurse II, effective December 15, 2021 – CCHS
iii. Kathy Sobrio, Public Health Nurse Supervisor, effective January 30, 2022, - CCHS
E. Resignations
i. Julie Hunter, Emergency Medical Services Coordinator effective November 30, 2021 - EPHP
ii. Megan Bowling, Medical Billing Specialist effective November 6, 2021 – CCHS
iii. Martha Casique, Office Assistant II effective December 24, 2021 – CCHS
5. National Radon Action Month Proclamations. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Accepted by: Christine Kelly
Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
6. Public Comment.
Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on an agenda as an action item. All public comment is limited to three minutes per person.
Requests for public comment via zoom must be submitted by email to before the scheduled meeting. Please log into the ZOOM meeting via the above link. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting.
NOTE: The zoom option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities.
7. COVID-19 Update & Information.
Staff Representative: Kevin Dick Board Representative: Dr. Reka Danko
8. Consent Items. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Matters which the District Board of Health may consider in one motion. Any exceptions to the Consent Agenda must be stated prior to approval.
A. Approval of Draft Minutes – (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
i. October 28, 2021
ii. November 18, 2021 (Strategic Planning Retreat)
B. BudgetAmendments/InterlocalAgreements–(FORPOSSIBLEACTION)
i. Approve a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health for the period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 in the total amount of $109,112 (no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Tuberculosis Prevention Program IO#11923 and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Subaward and any future amendments.
Staff Representative: Kim Graham and Victoria Nicolson-Hornblower
ii. Approve a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 in the total amount of $287,496 (no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) HIV
December 16, 2021 Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 6
Prevention Program IO# 11943 and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward and any future amendments.
Staff Representative: Kim Graham and Sonya Smith
iii. Approve Intrastate Interlocal Contract between the State of Nevada, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Corrective Actions and the Washoe County Health District upon approval of the Board of Examiners through June 30, 2025 in the total amount of $350,000 ($100,000 per fiscal year) in support of the Environmental Health Services Division (EHS) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program, and if approved authorize the District Health Officer to execute the agreement and any future amendments.
Staff Representative: Kristen Palmer
C. Approve donation of a Norwesco 5,025 gallon water tank to Northern Nevada Medical Center with a current market value estimated at $1,000.00. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Kristen Palmer
D. Authorize FY22 Purchase Order to My Next Career Path in the anticipated amount of $3,000,000.00 to provide temporary staffing in support of the COVID-19 response and vaccination events. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Kristen Palmer and Jim English
E. Recommendation for the Board to Uphold Uncontested Citation Not Appealed to the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
i. Atlantic Aviation – RNO – Case No. 1256, NOV AQMV21-0044 Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
F. Recommendation for the Board to consider approval of a Settlement Agreement and a Supplemental Environmental Project valued at no more than $1,000.00 for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. as required in Order No. 00008 as a settlement for the Notice of Violation associated with Case No. 1308. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
G. Recommendation for the Board to consider approval of a Settlement Agreement and a Supplemental Environmental Project valued at no more than $3,000.00 for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. as required in Order No. 00009 as a settlement for the Notice of Violation associated with Case No. 1316. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
H. Acknowledge receipt of the Health Fund Financial Review for November, Fiscal Year 2022. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Anna Heenan
9. Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority.
A. Review and Acceptance of the REMSA Health Operations Reports. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
i. October 2021
ii. November 2021
Presented by: Dean Dow
B. REMSAHealthResponseTimesandHospitalDelaysUpdate.
Staff Representative: Aaron Abbott
December 16, 2021 Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting Agenda
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C. Update of REMSA Health’s Public Relations
i. October 2021
ii. November 2021
Presented by: Alexia Jobson
D. DiscussionandpossibleapprovalofREMSAimplementationofan"AssessandRefer" protocol designed to assist patients with understanding their medical needs and refer them to appropriate care. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Presented by: Dean Dow
10. PUBLIC HEARING to review, discuss and possibly adopt the Washoe County District Board of Health Permitting and Fees for all Underground Storage Tank Facilities beginning January 3, 2022 with all facilities permitted no later than June 29, 2022. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Luke Franklin
11. Recommendation for appointment to the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board as the Nevada Registered Professional Engineer Member. Staff recommends: Mr. Anthony Dimpel for a two-year term beginning on December 16, 2021, and concluding on December 15, 2023; Applicants include Art O’Connor. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
12. Recommendation for appointment to the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board as an At- Large Committee Member. Staff recommends: The re-appointment of Ms. Yvonne Downs for a three-year term beginning on December 16, 2021, and concluding on December 15, 2024; the re-appointment of Mr. Lee Squire for a three-year term beginning on December 16, 2021, and concluding on December 15, 2024; the appointment of Mr. Phil Schweber for a two-year term beginning on December 16, 2021, and concluding on December 15, 2023; the appointment of Mr. Martin Brietmeyer for a one- year term beginning on January 27, 2022, and concluding on January 26, 2023; Applicants include: Alan Horvath, Cathy Fitzgerald, Dorothy Hudig, Ph.D., Hazel Brown, James Mitcheltree, Marcia Wilmes, Pierre Mousset-Jones, Scott Courier, William Grey, William Foster McCoy, Ph.D. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Francisco Vega
13. Presentation and possible acceptance of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Julia Ratti
14. Recommendation to review and approve of the District Health Officer’s Annual Performance Evaluation Results. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Presented by: Laurie Griffey
15. Possible approval of the proposed 2022 Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting Calendar. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
Staff Representative: Kevin Dick
16. Staff Reports and Program Updates.
A. Air Quality Management, Francisco Vega, Division Director
Long-Term Exposure to Even Permissible Levels of Air Pollutants Increases Risk of Mortality, EPA Staff Preliminarily Conclude Tightening of PM NAAQS Is Warranted, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: An Investment in Electric Vehicles, Monitoring and Planning, Permitting and Compliance.
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B. CommunityandClinicalHealthServices,LisaLottritz,DivisionDirector
Divisional Update – World AIDS Day; Data & Metrics; Sexual Health (Outreach and Disease Investigation), Immunizations, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, Reproductive and Sexual Health Services, Chronic Disease Prevention Program, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, Women Infants and Children, and COVID-19 Vaccinations.
C. Environmental Health Services, Erin Dixon, Division Director
Environmental Health Services (EHS) Division: Highlighted Program; Program Activities; Consumer Protection (Food/Food Safety, Commercial Plans, Permitted Facilities); Environmental Protection (Land Development, Safe Drinking Water, Vector-Borne Diseases, Waste Management); and Inspections.
D. Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness, Dr. Nancy Diao, Division Director
Communicable Disease, Public Health Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services, Vital Statistics.
E. OfficeoftheDistrictHealthOfficer,KevinDick,DistrictHealthOfficer
District Health Officer Report – COVID-19 Response, Joint Information Center, Strategic Planning Retreat, Government Affairs Update, Public Health Accreditation, Emergency Medical Services, CCHS Added Fee for vaccinations, and Public Communications and Outreach.
17. Board Comment.
District Board of Health Member’s announcements, reports and updates, request for information or topics for future agendas. (No discussion among Board Members will take place on the item)
Possible Changes to Agenda Order and Timing: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order, combined with other items, withdrawn from the agenda, moved to the agenda of another later meeting; moved to or from the Consent section, or they may be voted on in a block. Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later. Items listed in the Consent section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless withdrawn from the Consent agenda.
Special Accommodations: The District Board of Health Meetings are accessible to the disabled. Disabled members of the public who require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify Administrative Health Services in writing at the Washoe County Health District, 1001 E. 9th Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512, or by calling 775.328.2416, 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Public Comment: During the “Public Comment” items, anyone may speak pertaining to any matter either on or off the agenda, to include items to be heard on consent, by filling out a “Request to Speak” form and/or submit comments for the record to the Recording Secretary. For the remainder of the agenda, public comment will only be heard during items that are marked FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. All public comment should be addressed to the Board of Health and not an individual member. The Board asks that your comments are expressed in a courteous manner. Any public comment for hearing items will be heard before action is taken on the item and must be about the specific item being considered by the Board. Public comment and presentations for individual agenda items are limited as follows: fifteen minutes each for staff and applicant presentations, five minutes for a speaker representing a group, and three minutes for individual speakers unless extended by questions from the Board or by action of the Chair. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting.
All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker nor allocated to another speaker.
Members of the public that wish to attend via zoom may make public comment by submitting an email comment to before the scheduled meeting, which includes the name of the commenter and the agenda item number for which the comment is submitted.
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Forum Restrictions and Orderly Conduct of Business. The District Board of Health conducts the business of the Health District and its citizens during its meetings. The Chair may order the removal of any person or group of persons whose statement or other conduct disrupts the orderly, efficient, or safe conduct of the meeting. Warnings against disruptive comments or behavior may or may not be given prior to removal. The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks which antagonize or incite are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited.
Response to Public Comment: The Board of Health can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting. During the public comment period, speakers may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda. The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Board of Health. However, responses from the Board members to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public. On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Board of Health will consider, Board members may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for Health District staff action or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda. The Board of Health may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item: “Board Comments – District Board of Health Member’s announcements, reports and updates, request for information or topics for future agendas. (No discussion among Board Members will take place on the item)”
Posting of Agenda; Location of Website:
Pursuant to NRS 241.020, Notice of this meeting was posted electronically at the following locations:
Washoe County Health District, 1001 E. 9th St., Reno, NV
Reno City Hall, 1 E. 1st St., Reno, NV
Sparks City Hall, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, NV
Washoe County Administration Building, 1001 E. 9th St, Reno, NV Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., Reno, NV
Washoe County Health District Website State of Nevada Website:
How to Get Copies of Agenda and Support Materials: Supporting materials are available to the public at the Washoe County Health District located at 1001 E. 9th Street, in Reno, Nevada. Ms. Susy Valdespin, Recording Secretary to the District Board of Health is the person designated by the Washoe County District Board of Health to respond to requests for supporting materials. Ms. Valdespin is located at the Washoe County Health District and may be reached by telephone at (775) 328-2415 or by email at Supporting materials are also available at the Washoe County Health District Website pursuanttotherequirementsofNRS241.020.
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