Two Tax Increases Being Voted on Thursday, March 4th- Registration Hike Is One! SB11 (the vehicle registration hike) and SJR73 (Bill allowing to establish a committee to recommend tax hike) are being quickly pushed to a vote at 1 pm, Thursday, March 4th. At such a time of crisis as this, our public servants want to RAISE our taxes!! Just got notice late last night about the vote, giving only two days to get the word out and respond to the people who are supposed to represent us! The Registration tax will cost each person 1 cent for every dollar value of every vehicle registered (i.e.- $100 per $10,000 value). That could easily add hundreds, if not thousands to people and businesses (share this with them too!) with no clear, dedicated focus to the spending. We ALL have had to cut back in this crisis- the City of Reno should too- Not charge us with crippling taxes for their budget shortfalls. This will be a HUGE financial burden that we will never get rid of.
You can email them at:
There isn't much time- so please send a message to the above email. Am only doing this to save EVERY SINGLE RENO TAXPAYER a lot of money, so please share this anywhere you can. Thank you
Here are the CORRECTED bill numbers to oppose:
SB11 and SJR73 (Senate Joint Resolution) - not SB73. Both want to increase taxes at a time when our economy is in the toilet and people have lost businesses, lost jobs.